streda 21. júla 2010

sunday morning...................................and lunch

v nedeľu som s frajerom a kamarátom strávila príjemné doobedie a aj obed. nieslo sa v znamení "spomíname na staré časy" keď sme pili sunquick a jedli termixy. totiž úplnou náhodou sme v tescu objavili klasický termix!! a sunquick!, ktorý som naposledy pila asi v 12 rokoch. na moje prekvapenie chuť oboch ostala rovnaká ako pred skoro 15 rokmi juchuuu
po troche nostalgie sme si navarili už nenostalgický obed v podaní zeleninovú tikka massala...
Keď už spomínam to sunday morning tak mi hneď napadla táto pesnička, ktorú som taktiež naposledy počula v puberte...

last sunday I ve spent morning and lunch with my boyfriend and friend at his lovely house. We were remembering the "good old times", drinking sunquick and eating termix (cottage cheese dessert). By an accident we found it in tesco supermarket. I drank sunquick last time when I was like 12 years old and I was pleasantly surprised that the taste is still the same!! After little bit of nostalgy we prepared unnostalgic lunch- vegetable tikka massala... When I m talking about the sunday morning, I ve instantly remember this song, which I ve heard last time when I was teenager..

my boyfriend "possing" for blog

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