tak posledné dva týždne som sa stala ja Action Woman..
vymyslela som si toľko aktivít, že už len behám z jednej na druhú...ale tak žijeme len raz a nebudem predsa doma vysedávať!
minulý týždeň oslavovalo štúdio Body Gallery narodeniny, tak som sa tam zastavila aj s kamarátom Kubom, s ktorým sme ešte predtým stihli prejsť asi 4 Textile housy a kúpiť mu tento kanadský drevorubačský sveter..
Do you know the figure Action man? he's strong, gets everything done on time, fast, in other words just full of action. Last 2 weeks I've turned into Action woman. I've scheduled and organized so many activities for me, that all the time I'm running around..but we 're living just once so why sit at home?
Last week Body Gallery studio celebrated 1st anniversary, so I've stopped by with my friend Kubo.
Before we've visited 4 second-hands and found him this canadian bushwhacker sweater...
a našli sme si aj dokonalého partnera :)
and we also found perfect partners for both of us :)
no a po action týždni som sa včera s kamoškou Ninou vybrala na hodinu dancehallu. Keď som bola mladá ( 17+ :)) ) tak som nielenže mala dready, ale aj fičala na reggae a dancehalle takže som tušila do čoho idem, ale teda zničená som bola viac ako po hodine vo fitku..čistý masaker na kondičku, ale super sranda, skrátka návrat do mladých čias, ale dancehall queen už veru nebudem..
a večer sme sa išli najesť do brazilskej reštiky Leblon, ktorá funguje na systéme Rodizio, čo je v podstate all u can eat..bolo to mega obžerstvo ale fááákt dobré.
and after action week I went yesterday with my friend Nina to dancehall class. When I was young ( 17+) I had dreadslocks and I loved reggae and dancehall, so I knew what I was up to. the class was sooo difficult, I was sweating more than after workout at gym..but it was so much fun, like return to old young times but I'm not going to be dancehall queen any more...
in the evening I went to celebrate my birthday to brazilian restaurant Leblon. It was all u can eat and you can imagine how much we ate...