štvrtok 12. augusta 2010

...lives in a house, a very big house in the country

minulý víkend som strávila na našej chalupe, kde sme s kamarátmi väčšinu času jedli alebo hrali singstar. Najviac mi išla pesnička od BLUR - Country house a potom ešte Nirvana :)
Keďže nie som šialenec, ktorý nosí podpätky na vidieku, rozhodla som sa prispôsobiť a vyvetrala som svoje gumáky a mikinu.
Kamoška priniesla najlepší trdelník mňáám

last weekend I ve spent in our country house, where we were most of the time eating or playing singstar. My specialty was song from BLUR- Country house and then Nirvana :)
Since I m not lunatic, who wears high heel in the country, I ve decided to adapt and wear my rubber-boots and sweatshirt.
My friend Nina brought the best cake ever- it s called trdelnik, and you can buy it only in Slovakia.

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